contumacious adj. stubbornly or wilfully disobedient to authorityWhen I was in kindergarten, I bit a fellow classmate because she grabbed the rotary telephone I was playing with out of my hands. I spent the week in the corner during recess. Later on, I slapped a girl because she made fun of a picture I had drawn of myself and said it looked like a bumblebee (we had to wear blue and plaid jumper uniforms), more recess in the corner. During one of my times in the corner, I peeled apart a construction paper advent wreath that was hanging on the wall - double time in the corner. And so on.I have always been stubborn and don't obey much of anything well. I was not a well behaved child in kindergarten most likely because I had not attended preschool instead spending the first 4 years of my life at home playing outside like an animal with the neighbors the way a healthy child should. So when I arrived at kindergarten I was forced to learn to obey authority or at least pretend to.Although my contumacious ways were tamed by the first grade, they never really went way. Probably because most of the time the authority I am supposed to be obeying is unqualified, dictatorial or has other objectives in mind other than my well being. Just because someone is named an "authority" does not mean that they can wield power over someone else. It reminds me of the constitutional peasants from Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail.[youtube=]Perhaps my personality is the reason why this movie is still one of my all time favorites and this scene is one of the most memorable...or it could be the usage of the phrase "moistened bitch." Happy Friday!