grebo n. a youth of a group favoring heavy metal or punk rock music and long hairToday I could go for some Metallica. Some "Enter Sandman." Ever since I saw the Metallica documentary I can't stand Lars Ulrich, but I still like Metallica. I also am a big Guns and Roses fan, but are they even really considered metal these days? There is something great about metal. Without it there wouldn't be Nirvana or Smashing Pumpkins. There is nothing like it when you are feeling rotten or just need to get going. I don't listen to it enough, but I used to be really into it when I was around 13. I remember getting into trouble when my parents found the Appetite for Destruction cassette tape in my bedroom. It had some gratuitous cartoon nudity in the little booklet inside the case. I remember feeling defiant and grown up. When I was done listening to it, I'd turn on the Wonder Years and stare at Kevin Arnold.I bet the next thing hipsters try to pull off is Grebo - chic. As much as I don't like hipster lifestyle, I love people watching them. Their intentionally tacky thrift store outfits and tattoos of useless, meaningless things. Not taking a shower on purpose and stinking on the G train. I also love their mecca - Williamsburg. I remember looking for an apartment on Berry St. a few years ago. It was a 4th floor walk up and when we got to the top there were 4 stoned guys sitting on kitchen chairs and watching porn on a small black and white TV. They had built an elevated bunk bed out of 2 x 4s and were using a wheelchair as a desk chair. It was a railroad apartment and there were garbage bags stuffed in several alcoves. At a different apartment in Williamsburg, the tenants had just moved out and left garbage all over the floor. There were random pieces of furniture parts and food. It was so exciting to view authentic hipster habitats.Needless to say, we didn't live in Williamsburg and that was a very long day. However, there is a certain street with a little rocky beach to sit on and watch the dirty water ebb and flow. The same street has a great modern furniture store, a garden shop called Sprout and an architectural salvage shop that makes my mouth water.I'm not a grebe or a hipster. Just a mom who likes Metallica, the Wonder Years and Brooklyn...and needs a nap.