
nard n. the Himalayan spikenardWikipedia's description:Spikenard (Nardostachys grandiflora or Nardostachys jatamansi; also called nardnardin, and muskroot ) is a flowering plant of the Valerian family that grows in the Himalayas of China, also found growing in the northern region of India andNepal. The plant grows to about 1 m in height and has pink, bell-shaped flowers. It is found in the altitude of about 3000–5000 meters. Spikenard rhizomes (underground stems) can be crushed and distilled into an intensely aromatic amber-colored essential oil, which is very thick in consistency. Nard oil is used as a perfume, an incense, a sedative, and anherbal medicine said to fight insomnia, birth difficulties, and other minor ailments.[1]Lavender (genus Lavandula) was also known by the ancient Greeks as naardus, nard, after the Syrian city Naarda.The scent of Spikenard attracts cats, a strange phenomenon in itself.I am at a loss as to what I should write about this one. The most interesting thing about this plant is that it attracts cats and can be used as a component in catnip. I'm a dog person. I've never had a cat, only dogs. I will admit that cats are way smarter than dogs, as judging by the 3 cats that sit on my back deck and taunt my dog everyday. Stella (my dog) goes to the same window everyday and barks as if this was something new although it happened the day before. The cats seem to get enjoyment out of it because she's behind a door and they know she can't get to them.However, I am looking for unconditional love from my pets, not intellect. Cat's seem to have their own ideas and agendas. They wander around out of doors on their own and are more independent than dogs. They have their own lives and adventures. I respect cats. If I had a great childhood, I might want a cat...but I need the love of a dog.I'm not going to argue about whether cat people are better than dog people...or vice versa. I think they are just different types of people. There are a prevalence of cat videos and photos all over the web...more so than dog videos and I have frequently wondered why. I think it might be because cats exhibit more human qualities than dogs. Most of the videos and photos of dogs show them being goofy or stupid or with babies. Cat videos show more curiosity, vindictiveness, calculation...hence the adjective "catty." Cats are more female while dogs are more masculine...there may be some personality analysis behind your preference, but I'm not qualified for this.This word also brings to mind the TV Show, the Office...which I can no longer watch because Steve Carell is gone. I don't like Andy running the Office and I find it unfunny and trying too hard, which is something the old Office never had to do...but Andy's nickname is 'Nard Dog, so it's an interesting allusion to my mental wanderings.In conclusion (and having nothing to do with the plant definition of this word) cats are smarter than dogs, but dogs are more loving and loyal...and The Office was way better with Steve Carell despite the combination of Nard and Dog in Andy's nickname...well, I can't say I haven't made a new word association, albeit random.