On Thursday last week, I woke up with the goal in mind of updating and writing my resumé– the shock of being laid off still quite fresh and the need to just keep moving pressing upon me. I went to my favorite coffee shop with my laptop, ordered the biggest cappuccino I could, and got to working. Writing your resumé is somewhat of a boring and mundane task, if not an exercise in ego inflation.
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flattered v. make (someone) feel honored and pleasedMany thanks to Kaitlyn Fletcher for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blog Award. I am truly flattered.The Very Inspiring Blog Award is really awesome in so many ways! It gives bloggers a chance to get out there and show their feelings and recognize each other for great things. It’s a chance to make someone stand out for their hard work and feel good about themselves and what they’re doing. Everyone should be nominated!There are simple rules that go along with accepting this nomination, and those are:1. Display the award logo on your blog.2. Link back to the person who nominated you.3. State 7 things about yourself.4. Nominate at least 5 other bloggers for this award and link to them.5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.7 THINGS ABOUT ME1. I make really, really, ridiculously good chocolate chip cookies. They are actually from a recipe I found in the New York Times, but for some reason everyone that eats them dreams about them from that point on. I am very particular about the way I make these cookies, but share the recipe often. I believe in sharing things that make others happy. Don't drool...here is what they look like:
2. I am having a hard time adjusting to suburban life. I lived in Brooklyn for 4 years before moving to Essex County, New Jersey and I miss it. However, I do not regret moving. It would be a mistake to live in a tiny apartment in the city with a 60 pound dog and a 1 year old. We would all be covered in dog hair and ready to strangle each other3. I drive around a lot in a big orange Honda Element and listen to music with my son for fun. We love Montclair, NJ. Driving down Upper Mountain Ave is like taking a Hollywood Mansion tour...and the views of NYC are amazing.4. I took my son to see Santa for the first time yesterday and this is what happened:
5. I might be a bad parent per the above posted photo.6. My dog sheds a lot and we have tumble weeds of dog hair all over the house. Her name is Stella and we love her but finding your dog on Petfinder and picking her up in a hotel parking lot in Connecticut is probably not the wisest decision we have made. She's originally from Kentucky and was supposed to be part Bassett Hound...which there is no evidence of...her legs aren't even short. She's huge - 60+ pounds, looks like a Holstein cow and hates New York City.7. I used to work for a very famous jewelry company in Product Development but took some time off to be a mom. I miss my job a lot of the time, but sometimes the hardest decisions turn out to be the best ones...I am still waiting for this one to play out.5 BLOGS I'M INSPIRED BY
- Colossal - I read this blog everyday because it is amazing. The writer captures everything from wire sculptures to stop motion videos. I am always amazed and inspired by the work on this blog.
- Canadian Hiking Photography - I am a huge photography nerd and just love these hiking photos taken by Patrick Latter. I'm a wimp when it comes to hiking but these photos make me want to strap on a backpack and take over the world.
- Biblioklept - Book reviews and pretty pictures that get my imagination going so I can think of something to write. This is a daily stop for me.
- Kristen Lamb's Blog - This lady is an incredible writer and an inspiration. She is strong and well spoken and makes me want to write more.
- Mind Pried Open - My husband is the reason why I started blogging...mostly to compete with him (just kidding). He is a much better writer than myself and much more cerebral. He's the brain and I'm the blubber of the marriage.