
absquatulate v. leave abruptlyThis sounds more like an exercise move than a verb that means to leave abruptly. It could be a combination ab -slash - squat - slash Pilates move. I think I should develop a new workout with this move - like Zumba - but more sophisticated, with less ass shaking. Instead of Latin dance moves perhaps we could incorporate hip hop or Bollywood. Maybe I should use pan flute music...anything new age would work too.People talk about the lack of innovation in our society, but there is quite a lot of innovation going on in the world of exercise. Take Zumba, for instance. I purchased the Wii version to do at home and it's pretty bazaar. If you have a tight ass and abs, of course you look awesome doing it...but if your 34 and you had a kid - it ain't pretty. The game comes with a belt that holds the controller and tracks your moves so that the console can tell if you are hitting the marks. So on top of feeling like a fat ass secretly working out to a Zumba video game in your family room, you get to wear a remote control fanny pack. Sigh.Then there is the Shake Weight, which I do not own but have seen. There's nothing further to say other than it's obscene and looks as if you are practicing something I choose not to write about on this blog. There are also many ab muscle electric pulse belts that you can wear during the day to tone your abs - even if they're buried under a layer of flab.Then there are the encyclopedic DVD collections like P90X and Insanity that are designed to endanger your well being in your own home. Many of these transformative collections use something called "muscle confusion" to tone even the smallest muscles. To be fair, I have never tried one of these, but the names alone scare the shit out of me. I don't want to confuse my muscles. Can we figure out how to confuse my fat so it thinks it's muscle?There should really be a Hall of Fame for icons of the exercise genre. We need to honor Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda, Denise Austin, Jake, the scary Tai Bo guy, Susan Powter...and of course, John Basedow, who may or may not be moonlighting as Paul Ryan...there was that whole P90X reference...just saying...[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB_fl7cXCLM&feature=related]